Tuesday, October 12, 2010


They're causing me to slack on writing my blogs.
So, sorry for that.

I had a pretty bad one today.
But I went to my friend's soccer game today with some frans.. it was a fun time :)

It's only gonna be Wednesday... Will this week ever end?
Most likely... not... Haha

I'm so exhausted I don't even know where to begin.
I've been spending any and all of my free time working on stuff for Journalism.
I really want this paper to be the best it's ever been!

I know it's possible :)

Tomorrow is Wednesday... I don't think anything too exciting is happening...
I have to go to the elementary school to help with the kiddos playing munchkins in Wizard of Oz! :)
So, hopefully all that goes well :)

Secretly, I'm listening to Christmas music right now.
I mean, judge me if you want.. but sometimes.. especially since it was so cold today... you just can't help it :) It's so good! :D

When it gets closer to the Christmas season, there'll be plenty more about the holiday, I'm sure :)

I hope you all have an excellent night :)

Food for Thoughts :)


  1. Who the hell listens to christmas music this early, you freak.

  2. no gina im totally just kidding about the last comment hahahaha its whaler (: (:

  3. & omg you have followers?! ha! how cool :)

  4. Hahaha. Thanks Whaler :P I just now saw all these :)

    & I'm the hell freak that listens to Christmas music this early... :) Haha
