Thursday, December 20, 2012

Last Night On Earth…

My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles 'til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
Did I ever make it through?
"Last Night on Earth" - Green Day

So, I suppose this song is kind of relevant today.
I mean, considering people think the world is ending on Dec. 21, 2012.
And it's Dec. 20th…

But really…
Why would listen to this?
The Mayans were probably bored of continuing on their calendar for so long… Especially since they knew they wouldn't be alive by this point…

Also, the other parts of the world are already experiencing 12/21/12…
& they are all still very much a part of this world…

There are people going crazy & draining their life savings and just blowing all their money…
Seriously… Stop that!

I mean, I guess we won't know until tomorrow if I'm wrong or not…
But, by then it won't matter…

I'm not wrong, by the way…

There's no way!


Food for Thoughts :)